Monday, May 2, 2011

Have a big bite


I'm so jealous of you who can attend the recent meetings, cause the topics are just so inspiring and touching!!!

And I'm so sorry for the late post, kind of irresponsibility...

This week I squeeze my brain to come up with some interesting topic unlike the unclear plants or the revolution in Middle East, and then I thought about this:
Eating style. I guess it's pretty easy and matching to discuss while having dinner together!

1. Let's start with a very simple question, what's the food you like the most and dislike the most? Why?

2. What is your little habit before starting a meal? Things would be like pray to the God, wash your hand, or clean the table by tissues, what's your unique one?

3. If we put our meals into two styles, the first type is your everyday meals, the second is the "big" meals. What are the factors lead you to the decision everyday meals. In other words, what is your concern on your foods?

4. What is your concern on the big meals?

5. Are you a person care food much or not? We know a Chinese proverb goes like
"Eating, clothing, living,transportation, education, recreation" (Sarah I need your talent!!!),eating is the priority or it should be other things in the first place?

This is a very short talks(4 mins), and it talks about the vegetarian, the speaker offer some practical advices on becoming a vege, and I suggest everyone should watch it.

6. Have you ever consider to become a vege(I assume everyone eats meats..)? Why? Do you know any advantages or disadvantages of becoming a vege? Talk about yourself or your friends, realtives' stories.

7. Would you give it a try? Why or why not?

I'm not sure if the questions are abundant and meaningful, I'll try!!!


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